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Through The Hills Of Inishmore (Inis Mor)


Through The Hills Of Inishmore (Inis Mor)

cheynne murphy

The origins of this song were based on a bike ride around the Aran Island of Inishmore off the coast of Galway Bay Ireland. Spelt Inismor in gaelic I was told a story of how the people’s of this island originally colonised the ‘rock’ in the middle of the Atlantic by planting seeds into the seaweed. I believe the original inhabitants were of Celtic origin and were seeking some refuge from the Nordic peoples otherwise known as Vikings. The high cliffs on the island would provide good security from raiding parties. The island is also famous for its Aran wool and Aran sweaters. I stayed at a little B & B near the wharf, visited the fort ruins and happily had a cleansing ale at the nearby pub. The people here still speak Gaelic as an interchangeable language with English and when I sat down at the local pub everyone was speaking in ‘another language’. One of the ladies in a retail shop even shared that she had only been to the mainland a few times in her life. I thought of the connection of the people and this unique island and when I did the song Through the Hills of Inishmore came through. The footage is a combination of material I downloaded from the net as well as my own footage travelling around the island. I have overlayed some footage from my own hills behind Cabarita north of Byron Shire. Second video I’ve made on I-movie. Like a roughly made home made cookie I hope you enjoy the crumbles. I just wanted to try and connect some of the ideas or visuals I had in my head to the song. Bless.